New York Jewish Book Festival - "Isaac Bashevis Singer Writings on Yiddish and Yiddiskayt"


Monday November 13

Time (Eastern Time)

2:00 PM  –  3:00 PM

David Stromberg, editor of the Isaac Bashevis Singer Literary Trust, will be joined in conversation by Lisa Newman, Yiddish Book Center's Director of Publishing and Public Programs to discuss Isaac Bashevis Singer Writings on Yiddish and Yiddiskayt: The War Years 1939-1945 (White Goat Press, November 2023) by the late Nobel Prize winner Isaac Bashevis Singer on what would have been his 120th birthday.

This collection, the first in a three-volume series, features twenty-five curated essays (selected from over 150) written from just before the start of World War II through to its immediate aftermath. Singer originally published each of these pieces under pseudonyms in the Forverts, the world's oldest Yiddish newspaper, when he was still relatively unknown. The essays are arranged chronologically, offering readers the unique opportunity to bear witness to the shifts in Singer's perspective as history unfolded. 

Isaac Bashevis Singer Writings on Yiddish and Yiddiskayt: The War Years 1939-1945 will be available for purchase at
