Stories Survive: "Live and Be Counted" Book Talk


Monday February 24

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7:00 PM  –  8:00 PM

Live and Be Counted: A Boy's Heroic Tale of Survival, Faith and Family 

Alfons Sperber was only 11 years old when he began his narrow escape from the grips of the German Anschluss of Austria in 1938, eventually being hidden in a Christian monastery in France and crossing over the Alps into Switzerland, before gaining passage to the United States in 1948. His story was recently told through a poignant and moving novel Live and Be Counted, written by his grandson, Ron Siesser.  The book was Amazon’s top new release for young adults in October. 

The presentation will include special video footage of recent interviews with Alfons Sperber, who is a resident of Hillcrest, Queens. 
